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Which is better, the HP Envy or the HP Pavilion?

HP offers multiple ranges of laptops, and some of its most popular offerings include the Envy and Pavilion lines.

Keep reading to find out all the key differences between these ranges, so you can decide which one is better suited to you.

Hp Envy vs HP Pavilion

Both the HP Envy and Pavilion ranges emphasise productivity, meaning that you probably won’t find either laptop kitted out with the most powerful GPUs, although they can still be capable of entry-level content creation and light gaming.

The biggest difference between the two ranges is the price point. HP Pavilion laptops are generally cheaper, with a quick look online showing the laptops to generally cost between £500 and £800. In comparison, the Envy laptops are considered to be more premium, with a typical price range between £700 and £1500.

Generally, the Envy range features more powerful processors, although this will be dependent on the release date of each laptop. For the 12th Generation of Intel Core, HP mostly uses the P-Series chips, which are designed for “performance thin and light laptops” and use a 28W design.

Meanwhile, most Pavilion laptops are limited to Intel’s U-Series of processors, which aren’t quite as powerful with up to a 15W design, and are designed for “modern thin and light laptops”. Some Pavilion laptops are even powered by Intel Pentium Gold chips, offering a Chromebook-level performance that’s only capable of basic tasks.

You’re also more likely to find more high-end features with Envy laptops, with the likes of 4K resolution, OLED panels, discrete GPUs and more.

Both laptops can be found in x360 configurations, meaning that they have a convertible design. This can be helpful for those that like to use a stylus with their laptop screen and can make content creation more seamless. Touchscreen also features in both lineups, giving users more versatility when picking out a new laptop.

Overall, the HP Envy series is what you should aim for if you’re going to be engaging in more intensive productivity tasks or want to work on some light creative work. The HP Pavilion line is still more than serviceable for office or educational work, but it likely won’t offer as much power as its sibling in a lot of scenarios.

HP Envy laptops

Now that we’ve covered some of the main differences between these lineups, you can check out which models are currently available to buy. Here are all the HP Envy laptops available to buy from the HP website; it’s important to note that some older models may be available even if they are not listed here.

  • HP Envy x360 15 (Intel i5)
  • HP Envy x360 13 (Intel i5)
  • HP Envy x360 15 (Ryzen 5)
  • HP Envy x360 (Ryzen 7)
  • HP Envy x360 13 (Intel i7)
  • HP Envy 17 Touchscreen
  • HP Envy 17
  • HP Envy 16 (Intel i7)
  • HP Envy 16 (Intel i9)

HP Pavilion laptops

And if you’re after an HP Pavilion laptop, here are all the models on the market.

  • HP Pavilion 15 (Intel i5)
  • HP Pavilion 14 (Ryzen 7)
  • HP Pavilion x360 14
  • HP Pavilion x360 14 (Intel i5)
  • HP Pavilion 15
  • HP Pavilion 15 Touchscreen
  • HP Pavilion 15 (Intel i5)
  • HP Pavilion 15 (Intel i7)
  • HP Pavilion 15 (Ryzen 3)
  • HP Pavilion 15 (Ryzen 5)
  • HP Pavilion 14
  • HP Pavilion Plus 14


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Author: Ashley Hill

Last Updated: 1704443761

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Name: Ashley Hill

Birthday: 1993-09-04

Address: Unit 3374 Box 4877, DPO AP 38231

Phone: +4158577115197345

Job: Electrician

Hobby: Role-Playing Games, Knitting, Hiking, Playing Piano, Wine Tasting, Survival Skills, Meditation

Introduction: My name is Ashley Hill, I am a Precious, courageous, skilled, vivid, receptive, clever, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.