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$127 billion has left Binance; what comes next could surprise a lot of people

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More than billion in USDT leaves major crypto exchange for unknown destination, but next comes most interesting part

Extraordinary events continue to happen on the crypto market throughout this week. The latest of these happened just a couple hours ago as $1.27 billion in USDT were withdrawn from Binance, the world's largest crypto exchange. The colossal sum was swiftly moved to an unknown wallet via TRON's TRC network, as reported by Whale Alert.

Intriguingly, this massive amount of stablecoins began to disperse to various undisclosed wallets, leaving a perplexing trail of digital transactions. Currently, a substantial sum of 763.9 million USDT remains in the address from which the funds were initially withdrawn.

What followed this monumental withdrawal, however, may leave the crypto community even more bewildered. Within the next hour, USDT equivalent to a staggering $400 million flowed back into Binance. The purpose behind this sudden influx remains shrouded in mystery.

What was it?

Speculations abound; some suggest it might be an attempt to fill a financial void or balance the outflow of USDT. Notably, neither Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, nor Justin Sun, the founder of TRON, have issued any statements regarding these unprecedented movements.

One prevailing theory posits that a significant investor, possibly seeking to cash out, initiated the massive withdrawal. This notion gains credence when considering the recent surge in activities noted by U.Today, where major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, ETH and XRP, amounting to an astonishing $800 million, flooded various exchanges earlier in the day.

As the crypto market continues to be rocked by these extraordinary events, speculation is rife about what may transpire next.

About the author

Gamza Khanzadaev

Financial analyst, trader and crypto enthusiast.

Gamza graduated with a degree in finance and credit with a specialization in securities and financial derivatives. He then also completed a master's program in banking and asset management.

He wants to have a hand in covering economic and fintech topics, as well as educate more people about cryptocurrencies and blockchain.


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Author: Luis Ramirez

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Introduction: My name is Luis Ramirez, I am a bold, artistic, important, accessible, ingenious, Gifted, receptive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.